Join us for Parent Interest Meetings on November 13 and February 5 at 6pm to learn more about Cornerstone Classical Academy
OPEN ENROLLMENT for new applicants is December 1st- January 31st (VPK closes January 15 and parents will be notified of acceptance. Please see VPK Tab for more information). Any seat not reserved by currently enrolled students by 11:59pm on February 28th, will be made available for the Open Enrollment lottery period. Every application received between December 1st and January 31st will be placed into a lottery the first week of March for the available seats, and waitlist. Every application received after January 31st will be placed at the bottom of the waiting list for the specific grade. You can check back into your portal at any time to upload documents.
PLEASE read our Frequently Asked Enrollment Questions below to find answers to your questions! We also have a general FAQ page on our 'About' Tab. ​
INTENT TO RETURN FOR CURRENT ENROLLED STUDENTS Current CCA students may reserve their seats for the school year through School Mint https://cca.schoolmint.com. Current students must submit intent to return by February 28th at 11:59pm to secure their spot for the following school year.
OPEN ENROLLMENT FOR FALL for new applicants is December 1st- January 31st. Any seat not reserved by currently enrolled students by 11:59pm on February 28th, will be made available for the Open Enrollment lottery Period. Every application received between December 1st and January 31st will be placed into a lottery for the available seats, and waitlist. Every application received after January 31st will be placed at the bottom of their applicable priority group. NOTE: The waitlist does not roll over. You will need to complete a new application every year. Please see FAQs below for priority group information.
STEP 1: Complete a CCA Student Application by clicking the "Apply Here" button above. Please ensure you choose the correct school year with the correct grade level as errors in entry are the sole responsibility of the guardian completing the application. Errors could void your application. Please fill out as much of the requested information and documents as possible. CCA will accept student applications via the School Mint application portal for the school year. Florida law requires a random lottery when there are more student applicants than seats available in a particular grade. NOTE: You will be notified of lottery results in March via email and/or phone, however you can always check your lottery results in School Mint on the student portal at any time.
STEP 2: In March, a random lottery will be run by grade level for all prospective students who applied. Parents/Guardians will then receive one of the following notifications: "Offer", "Register", "Wait-list", or "Processing". The number of student seats available in each grade (open seats) will determine how many offers will be sent to new students to proceed with registration. You will be notified of the acceptance, and you will have only 48 hours to accept your seat and complete the registration process of uploading the requested documents in School Mint. Then go to Step 3.
The status of the application is posted in the portal which can be checked at any time. If you received a response in your application portal saying, “Processing” then your application is awaiting an administrator to review before it is placed into the lottery pool or at the bottom of the waitlist.
STEP 3: If you accept an offered seat, Welcome to CCA!! Please accept your seat and ensure that all documents are uploaded into your application portal within 48 hours AND fill out the registration form! Once you accept your seat, you will receive our weekly newsletter, The Cornerstone Chronicles, which is published Fridays with school information. If you do not received a newsletter in your inbox after acceptance, please search your spam folder for "Chronicles". Important information can also be found on our website.
Enrollment in Cornerstone Classical Academy (CCA) will be open to all students within Duval County Public Schools and surrounding areas in accordance with Florida Statutes. CCA admits students of any race, color, national origin, and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs. ​
Can a student be admitted after school starts?
YES! Our waitlist is generated after we run the lottery in March. Any applications received after January 31st at 11:59pm are placed at the bottom of the waiting list. We will contact our waiting list year-round as seats become available. Once you receive your wait-list notification, you should proceed to secure your seat at your second-choice school. It is impossible to know if seats will become available to wait-listed students, so it is vital that your child does not miss an opportunity at another school because you are waiting on a seat at CCA. If you choose to start one sibling at CCA, the waiting sibling will be moved up the waitlist of their respective grade.
What is my child's number on the waitlist?
We do not give out numbers or positions on the waitlist. Please plan to attend your second-choice school as soon as you learn of your waitlisted status.
When will I know if I have a seat at CCA for the upcoming school year?
Open Enrollment Lottery results will be posted to your student portal in School Mint first week of March. You will be notified via email and/or a phone call if you are offered a seat. YOU MUST GO BACK INTO YOUR STUDENT PORTAL TO ACCEPT THE SEAT WITHIN 48 HOURS OF THE PUBLISHED RESULTS. School Mint the software will automatically decline your seat and offer it to the next waiting student. NO EXCEPTIONS. If you forgot how to get to the student application portal, go to the Admissions tab and click on Parent Portal. Click on the "Apply Here" button above and log into your account. You are then able to click on each student to see their status. Logging into School Mint also enables you to view your child(ren)’s application status in real time.
If my child is waitlisted, do I need to reapply for the following year?
Yes! Our waitlists/active rosters do not carry over into future school years. Please complete an application each year as they open. On the School Mint application portal, if the school year is not an option for the year that application window is not open at this time.
Can I submit my application without the required documents?
Yes, but you will only have 24 hours to provide those documents once offered a seat. The exception is the Open Enrollment Lottery period which allows 48 hours. You may submit your student(s) application and upload documents at a later date in School Mint student application portal.
What are the priorities given in the lottery to help obtain a seat?
Per Florida law and our charter, we can only give preference to children of Founding Board Members, children of full-time staff, siblings of currently enrolled students and Duval County residents. No other preferences can be given.
Can I still apply to be admitted this school year if I missed the Open Enrollment Lottery window?
Yes. Your application will be placed at the bottom of your student’s grade applicable priority group (See above for priority groups). You can always say no to decline an offered seat, but we cannot offer a seat without a submitted application.
What do I do if my child got accepted into more than one school?
If a student receives a lottery selection for more than one school, the parent/guardian must select one and decline the other. All required paperwork must be turned into the school CCA by the deadline.
Do I need to complete a different application for each of my children?
Yes. Each child that you would like to attend CCA must have their own application submitted. Please make sure you list all applying siblings on each application, as we cannot guarantee linking without this piece of information being.
If I have more than one child and one gets into CCA, will the other(s) be guaranteed a spot?
Because we are required to enroll based on a lottery system AND our seats are limited, we cannot guarantee enrollment for anyone. However, if you enroll one sibling, the waiting sibling(s) will move up the waitlist, as a priority of “Sibling of an Enrolled student” should be updated on their application by the parent/guardian. If you are offered a seat for only one sibling, you must be willing to have one at CCA and the other(s) at a different school until a seat becomes available for the waiting sibling(s). We do admit year-round, so it is possible to obtain an offer for the waiting sibling even after school starts. Unfortunately, it is impossible to know if any students will withdraw at any given time.
We would like to homeschool/virtual instruction while we wait on a CCA seat. Any advice?
If you believe that this is what is best for your child, your scholar will be best prepared if they are taking coursework that is in sequence with the course curriculum at CCA for their current grade level. That information is available on our website under the "Academic" Tab.
Please feel free to email any questions to enroll@cornerstoneclassical.org.