2024 Fall Sports Tryout Schedule:
Physical forms, found under athletic tab on CCA Website. Must be completed & turned in before tryouts.
Football: Monday, July 29th 3:45-5:30pm
Location: Fort Family Regional Park 8000 Baymeadows Rd E, Jacksonville, FL 32256
Volleyball: Monday, August 5th & August 6th 4:00 – 5:30pm.
Location: East Pointe Church 270 Kernan Blvd N, Jacksonville, FL 32225
Volleyball Clinic: July 29-August 2 from 3:30-5:30pm
Location: East Pointe Church located at (270 Kernan Blvd N.)
Participants: Girls grades 6-10 interested in trying out for volleyball team
Cost: The cost is $50 per athlete for the week (Pay on MySchool Bucks or call with Credit Card)
Swim Team Tryouts - Wednesday, August 7 - 10:15am at Fletcher Pool (700 Seagate Ave.)
Cross Country: Monday, August 19th 3:30-5:30pm
Location:Cornerstone Campus
Golf Interest Meeting: Tuesday, August 20th 4:15pm
Location: Cornerstone Cafeteria 4:15pm. Tryout times will be given at the meeting.*
*Subject to change